With spring time comes more outside time and more time for playing in parks and taking in the nice weather. Why not try something new this year? Get your family involved in a new sport or new game! Don’t play tennis? Play a game of doubles. Find a local bocci ball court. Maybe try a game of croquet! There are so many outdoor things to try. Pinterest is full of ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/jessicalberardi/outdoor-games-for-the-whole-family/. If an adult has a special skill – maybe played a sport in high school, or enjoys a certain athletic activity, the spring is a perfect time to teach your kids! Likewise, let the kids create their own outdoor game to teach the rest of the family. Young kids have so much creativity and imagination, let them explore that by inviting them to create a game of chase or a special kind of tag. It can be as simple as having them take turns leading follow the leader around a park or your very own backyard.
For more great tips or to find out more about our services contact bonita@energeticjuniors.com or call 212-879-1566. Also check out their website at www.energeticjuniors.com.