Here is a FUN Fitness Halloween Game to play with your family.
I took the concept of a well known game (Pin the Tail on the Donkey) and re-engineered it into a Halloween game. During the game the children should each be given 5 bats (a.k.a bean bags or small stuffed animals), which they need to run and place in a pop-up soccer net or laundry basket (a.k.a bat cave) and they need to complete this task in under one minute. If they don’t get all the bats in the cave they need to perform an exercise of the adult’s choosing such as jumping jacks or push-ups. The number of jumping jacks or push-ups is determined by how many bats did not make it into the cave.
Overall, this is a game of speed, endurance, and fine motor skills. Fine motor skills involve the use of the smaller muscles of the hands, such as when doing up buttons, opening lunch boxes, or using pencils or scissors. Fine motor skill efficiency significantly influences the quality of the task outcome as well as the speed of task performance. Efficient fine motor skills require a number of independent skills working together to appropriately manipulate the object or perform the task. Here is an example of how it can work.
Round #1: They place 10 of 15 bats in the cave = 5 push-ups
Round #2: They place 12 of 15 bats in the cave = 3 jumping jacks
Round #3: They place 11 of 15 bats in the cave = 4 jumping jacks
Round #4: They place13 of 15 bats in the cave = 2 push-ups
Round #5: They place all 15 bats in the cave.
Be creative and have fun.
Happy Halloween!
by Energetic Juniors Fitness Coach Michael Shipper. Michael is an Ace certified trainer and Youth Fitness Specialist.
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