A Family-Friendly Park Workout Challenge!

In honor of the cooler fall days coming, I created a family-friendly park workout that can be a fun addition for any family outing— plus the kids will love trying to keep up with mom or dad! All you need is a park bench (and some water!!).

Two rules are: NO rest until the end of the circuit and go as quickly as you can!

  1. 30 Jumping jacks: Really emphasize keeping your arms stiff and core activated. Let your arms power your movement!
  2. 30 Bench Squat Jumps: Sit down, and jump out of the seat with an explosion! Allow the seated position to power your jump, and push up and land on the heels of your feet.
  3. 10 Bench Pushups: For a challenge, put your hands on the bottom part of the bench (but the top part works too)! Make sure your chest goes all the way down to your hands.
  4. 10 Bench Burpees: You heard that right! Use the bottom part of the bench to jump into plank position, then jump your feet back in, right into a standing jump. Feel free to add more push-ups at the bottom of the burpee for an extra challenge.
  5. SPRINT: To finish off, find the nearest tree or lamp post and sprint as fast as you can there and back to conclude the circuit.

Repeat this circuit 3-4 times! If you really want to get everyone excited, make each circuit a race— and whoever wins gets to choose what’s for dinner!

A little note: Feel free to change or add exercises to this circuit! I think the key takeaway is that keeping the family active can really be as simple as making a park workout feel like a game and doing it together. Turn on some music, or let the little ones count. Whatever you need to do to make them feel involved!

By Paytra Gessler, Certified Youth Fitness Trainer, Certified ISSA Fitness Professional

For more great tips or to find out more about our services, contact Bonita@EnergeticJuniors.com, or call 212-879-1566. Also check out our website at www.energeticjuniors.com